Barnes & Noble Night
Barnes and Noble night is Thursday, December 3rd, 2020 giving you the opportunity to do some holiday shopping and support Shelton! A portion of all purchases benefit the school. Although we will not have an in-store program this year, there are many ways to safely shop:
Along with B&N night, we are also working with Tokyo Joe's for a Dine out for Shelton night with 25% of the proceeds benefiting the PTSA. Be sure to mention Shelton if you dine in or call for take out and find additional details HERE.
- You can shop any time between Thursday, December 3rd and Sunday, December 6th, 2020
- Please mention Shelton in-store or show the voucher below
- Order online and choose curbside pickup -- grab dinner at Toyko Joes and your books all at the same time on December 3rd!
- Order online and ship your books
- ONLINE ORDERS: Visit and enter Bookfair ID 12601282 at checkout
Along with B&N night, we are also working with Tokyo Joe's for a Dine out for Shelton night with 25% of the proceeds benefiting the PTSA. Be sure to mention Shelton if you dine in or call for take out and find additional details HERE.